Collective operations

Koppel A.W. is specialized in the project and installation of lifts and group of lifts with collective selective operation system, simplex, duplex, triplex (like the ones here shown), up to batteries of six lifts each.
In the building which require an advanced kind of service, due to a large number of users and the complexity of the vertical traffic needed, KOPPEL A.W. has worked out products with sophisticated software, which may be also personalized upon specifications given by the client. The hardware equipment also take advantage from the more advanced technologies available from the microelectronics (universal models of PLC).

Prior than the executive stage, KOPPEL A.W., through its own software programs, simulates the evolution of the traffic in the building, and consequently proposes the best solution of the kind of lifts and their software which may optimize the service of the lift or group of lifts. In particular our effort is to minimize the average waiting time of the passenger at the main floor, and the average running time.
Among the possible services given, we have to focus in particular the chance to have a remote control of the lift operations, made through a phone line even at large distance from the real place where the lift runs.

Thus, the client and the maintenance company may know the actual way of working of the lift(s), the possible fault conditions, or even conditions of possible future faults. KOPPEL A.W uses in these cases standard techniques and protocols of communication, so that to permit accessible, easy and cheap control of the lifts by the client.
Moreover, Koppel A.W., upon requirement, may install the system called Destination Control, where the operating push buttons usually in the car are instead in the landing halls, and a display shows to users which car to enter to get their destination floor. This operational system makes possible in many cases a more efficient traffic management in the building.

Fire protection

From the point of view of fire prevention, the most important factor when designing lift systems in Italy, and Europe as whole, is the need to compartmentalize the lift shaft with respect to other parts of the building that are subject to fire prevention regulations.

In order to achieve this, the constructor must ensure that the shaft itself is designed and built to be sufficiently fire-resistant, whereas the lift manufacturer must install fire resistant doors that conform to the applicable standards. The latter depend on the type of building in use and on the national laws and regulations.
For example, the type of fire door required in Italy is different to that required in Great Britain, which, in turn, differ from that used in France, and so on.
However, all fire doors, irrespective of flame and smoke resistance and/or thermal isolation characteristics, must be tested and certified by authorised laboratories in accordance with the harmonised Standard EN 81-58.

More generally in Europe, certain buildings must be equipped with a lift for use by firemen that provide emergency teams with rapid access to fires on any floor. These lifts must conform to the corresponding harmonized Standard EN 81-72. KOPPEL A.W. is also able to supply this kind of system.

In addition to the question of fire prevention, in the event of a fire every lift installed in Europe should be able to satisfy the requirements of the Standard EN 81-73 “Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire”. In essence, this standard stipulates that, if the system is equipped with an automatic or manual fire detector and indicator system, once it is connected to the lift it should ensure that the lift completes the last maneuver, permitting the passengers to escape from the cabin, moves to a safe floor and remains there with its doors open so that no one can become trapped inside it during the fire. All Koppel lifts are equipped with this function.

The KOPPEL A.W. technical department will be happy to supply any additional information.